Friday, October 24, 2008
Unsecured Financing
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Acne - Acne and Skin Care
The reason why a person develops acne has little to do with thier skin care practices. However, once a person does have acne, how they take care of thier skin is essential to its treatment.
In fact, washing and scrubbing the skin has little to do with why a person develops acne. The effects of scrubbing is that it roughens and dries out the skin. In fact, the effect of scrubbing can worsen the skin by exposing lower layers which then have to develop protective coats of oil and dermis. This takes time for this protective coat to develop, which leaves the skin exposed to bacteria. Our skin is our best defense against all types of infectious pathogens, and scrubbing a layer off does not help the situation.
What is recommended is a softer and more gentle washing. And, one should use a mild cleanser.
While is has been recognized that one's own natural skin oil plays a major role in the development of acne, completely eliminating your natural skin oil is not the answer. Your natural skin oil keeps your skin moist and without it would lead to little cracks in your skin which is the doorway for bacteria to enter.
Thus, any type of astringents that are used should be done so sparingly, and all over the counter treatments need to be used according to their directions.
A challenge that men face is shaving. Even electric shavers can lead to a small cut when it goes over a blemished area. It is important to be very careful around tender areas, and to use a softener gel.
When shaving with a razor it is important not to backshave and go against the direction of hair growth. Ingrown hairs and pores that are clogged do produce acne, so it is wise to soften the hair with warm water and soap before shaving, and shave in the same direction of the hair growth.
As for women, most makeup these days do not clog the pores, and yet skin can be irritated with too much foundation. Look for "non-comedogenic" labels in your purchase of makeup.
At all times, keeping the skin pores open so that your skin's natural oil has movement and allows the shedding of dead skin cells is the key.
An anti-bacterial lotion can help prevent acne, but it does little to treat it. As well, over medicating your skin will clog your skins pores, so read and follow the directions.
For a free report on "Understanding Acne: Causes, Cures, and Myths" you can Download Here
Click here for exclusive access to naturally get rid of acne in 3 days.
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Monday, June 30, 2008
Get Rid of Acne - Those Methods Don't Work! Removing Acne is Easy!
So many people will say "Scrub your head, rinse it off, rub some food on it, and wait for another 90 days before your acne comes off" but it's simply much better than that! These 'traditional' ways take way too much time and they simply don't produce results.
Some traditional methods call for strict diets. Foods like rice, garlic, blueberries, mushrooms, and cheese have been said to cause acne. Well I don't know about you, but I'd hate to be living on fruit and water for 2 weeks straight! These 'proven' traditional methods don't work at all. Why? Food doesn't cause acne! Acne is a perfectly natural thing and it's easier to get rid of acne than most people think. Traditional methods fly around the Internet, but these shouldn't be trusted since they are false.
In fact, acne medication really has come a long way! These days, in order to remove acne, it's not just a simple rubbing ointment or medication that you buy from any store. You need the best of the best. The best of the best in acne treatments absolutely is NOT super expensive and costly! All that is needed is for you to see past all the low quality ones that are filled with harmful chemicals to get to the best ones available. Well getting past the fog of bad acne medication is easier than it sounds...
You might have heard of this system that people are just raving madly about. There's absolutely no fake information and it's simply dominating all the low end products that don't work. This acne treatment system has helped over 200,000 people and is currently on top worldwide, which is probably why it's continuing to help people with great success.
It's called Overnight Acne Cures, and it does just what it says. This system will guide you through a plan that'll fit into your daily needs and it works great! The first night actually will remove a majority of the acne. People have gotten their blackheads, whiteheads, cysts, and severe acne removed with no pain or illness whatsoever. Very few programs out in our world remove and keep away acne without these 'extras' that come with the package. There are no 'extras' you'll have to deal with and you'll keep your acne away for a very very long time.
Do you have a problem with acne? There's no traditional methods in this program! You'll know how to get rid of your acne, keep it away, and look absolutely fantastic, all three of these being things that you'd want from the start. The top-selling brands (which are bogus) like Proactiv simply can't compare to Overnight Acne Cures. Hundreds of thousands of people have had success, unlike those 'other ones'.
Don't lose hope! There's a program waiting for you! Get your face and body looking like it's supposed to. Your social life and relationships might just rely on it.
Pete Huang is absolutely top when it comes to beauty and especially acne removal. He has researched and reviewed countless acne products, and he enjoys every single bit of it. Take a look at his latest and greatest discovery at
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Saturday, June 28, 2008
Skin Care - How Do I Get Rid of Old Acne Scars?
Because people have different skin types, it just means that they have unique level of possibilities in acquiring acne. You may have only mild acne yourself but others unfortunately may suffer from moderate to severe bad skin.
You possibly will find a certain solution in curing your acne but scars will always be there especially in those grave cases. So then you keep looking for various treatments that will be best for you in making your numerous scars left from the acne you had, become fully extinct.
When you get rid of your old acne scars, it will be best that you will consult a dermatologist first on what is the most appropriate technique for you to undergo or the product that you will use. This skin specialist knows far way better from you on how to deal with your acne and your scars, so shop around carefully in the area near you or anywhere convenient to you for credible dermatologists.
Avoid those doctors who rush things, pushing you to commit in certain new and expensive services they're offering at once. You should ask for before and after pictures of the doctor's past patients for this will give you an idea on how the procedure may take place.
You can go through different ways available like chemical peel. It's a procedure where chemicals are applied on your affected skin, blistering its top layer and then peels off in a few days, removing the acne. You can as well have dermabrasion that involves abrading the surface layer of your skin using a rotating brush head, only for those minor, shallow acnes.
To learn more about the herbal acne treatment, the author, Kelly invites you to visit their site for acne treatment reviews. They also review one of the popular acne treatment products on the market today - ClearPores.
Author - Kelly
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Wednesday, June 25, 2008
How to Stop Acne Fast and Get Clearer Skin
Acne can be a devastating problem that has many negative consequences that include lack of confidence and self esteem as well as physical pain. It is important to understand what really causes acne in order to find a lasting solution. Genetics is probably the ultimate root cause of acne however we do not have the technology to alter genes safely yet. Other factors include hormones, diet, stress and personal hygiene. These latter factors can be treated with various acne treatment options.
Hormones can cause an excess production of oil in the skin which accumulates in the pores and mixes with dirt and other substances resulting in excessive bacterial growth which then causes more acne. There are a number of ways to manipulate your hormones to not produce excess oil. One way is to take the drug accutane which completely stops the production of oil and can be very effective but does have many potential side effects including dry skin.
There are also many products being sold online that involve taking a natural herbal pill or capsule that is specially formulated to regulate hormones so keep an eye out for these as they can be worth trying. Diet and stress can also trigger this overproduction of oil in your system. Consuming more fruits and vegetables may help and also try to minimize your intake of meats and processed foods. Juicing fresh fruits and vegetables can offer a great way to get a lot of concentrated nutrition fast that is easily absorbed into your body.
Also be sure to remain active and take part in regular exercise. Exercise performed often can help to reduce stress and also offers many internal cleansing benefits which can help to reduce acne also. There are two types of exercise and they are aerobics and weight training so be sure to take part in both on a frequent basis.
Another way to manage stress is through meditation. There are many types of meditative practices but the main idea is to quiet the mind and attain that peaceful state of silence. An overactive mind can cause a lot of stress that can not only make your acne worse but also make you get sick so learning to master your thoughts is very important at many levels. Not getting enough rest and sleep can also stress your system and aggravate your acne condition. Try to rest as much as you can between the periods of 10pm and 6am as they are ideal times to get sleep.
When you clean the skin do not scrub hard in an effort to remove dirt. Rather let your cleanser do the work in removing the dirt and oils from your pores. Use natural cleansers that contain salycilic acid in low concentrations is ideal as this help to remove dirt and also help to exfoliate and remove dead skin cells. When you are searching for an acne cream to put on your face after cleaning it look for something that contains tea tree oil as it is proven to be a very effective natural anti bacterial product. Many online acne treatments have this useful ingredient in them so consider trying them as they could work well for you. Take advantage of some of these acne treatment tips so you can get rid of zits fast and get back your natural beautiful clear skin.
Joseph is an online researcher, author and a regular contributor to a health and fitness site. Learn how to stop acne fast and also be sure to stop by and learn how to quit smoking so you can experience greater health and fitness levels.
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Diabetes - How to Deal With Diabetes
Dealing with diabetes doesn't necessarily mean that you have to have developed diabetes; dealing with diabetes means that you need to educate yourself in avoiding developing this disease, because to some degree, it can be avoided. You need to arm yourself with knowledge to avoid getting it or to keep it under control if in fact you or your loved one has been diagnosed with it.
Diabetes is a very devious disease that is chronic, meaning that it will last a lifetime. It affects the production of insulin in the body which is a hormone that is necessary to having a normal metabolism. Diabetes causes many health problems, such as blindness, kidney failure, stroke, limb amputation, premature death and heart disease.
Diabetes-the Facts
- There is no cure for diabetes
- Diabetes can be managed
- Exercise and diet can prevent or delay diabetes
Since diabetes is a disease that is so horrible, affecting different body parts from eyes to limbs and very many in between, and since it can be prevented, everyone should do whatever they can to avoid developing this debilitating condition.
Although your family doctor will play a key role in your overall health when it comes to diabetes, it is imperative for the patient to become actively involved, to educate him/herself in order to inform the doctor of any changes.
Things to do:
- Keeping a log of blood sugar levels;
- Meal planning;
- Exercise;
- Checking blood pressure;
- Eye check-ups;
- Foot care;
- Checking and trying to maintain normal levels of cholesterol and triglycerides
- Maintaining healthy weight (especially with type 2 diabetes)
- Taking medication (mostly insulin in type 1 diabetes)
- Reduce stress;
- Regular health checkups with different specialists as diabetes affects many different body organs
Do whatever you can, such as minor lifestyle changes to reduce your risk of developing this disease which is related to so many other illnesses by learning how to deal with diabetes. Change your life before diabetes changes it for you.
For more information about diabetes and the dangers associated with this disease, visit our informative website at
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The Benefits From Cellulite Massage Creams
The solution
The most common and least expensive treatment available is cellulite creams. One can easily purchase these creams without the need of any prescription at drug stores. Majority of these creams are effective in minimizing the appearance of cellulite, while some only provide additional moisture to the skin. Few specific ingredients are common among good cellulite creams.
The Ingredients in Cellulite Creams
Vitamin A is a vital ingredient in cellulite creams. It targets and repairs the connective tissue beneath the skin. Since cellulite develops in weak and broken tissues, the vitamin A strengthens the tissues and thereby stopping the growth of cellulite.
Another key component is L-Carnitine. Its function is to boost metabolism and making it easier for the body to eliminate stored fat. Cellulite is generally stored fat that has a dimpled appearance. An increased metabolism gets rid of cellulite easier and faster.
Caffeine is a substance common in coffee and soda, also offers health benefits when directly applied to the skin. Caffeine has the ability to increase blood flow and improve circulation to the areas where it is applied. This helps in breaking down cellulite and prevents more cellulite from accumulating.
Other Alternatives to Get Rid of Cellulite
Getting rid of cellulite is not limited to just creams and lotions but they are the cheapest, easiest, and least invasive to use. Another common and widely accepted method is through massage treatment of problem areas. The massage breaks up the cellulite and relocates it so it does not stay in one place under the skin. To maintain the desired results, perform the massages on a regular basis.
Liposuction surgery is another widely accepted treatment. The downside on this surgical procedure is that it can be quite expensive and involves several risks. Liposuction is a form of cosmetic surgery that uses a suctioning tool designed to vacuum out the fat stored in bodies. Liposuction can guarantee the elimination of cellulite but there is always the risk of infection and severe bruising.
Despite of all these options available, creams still remain the popular choice since they are easy to buy, can be used at home and can offer mild yet still desirable results.
To find the cream that's right for you check out our cellulite cream reviews, or try our top pick for free, read our hydroderm body shape review to find out how.
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Monday, June 23, 2008
Herbal Acne Treatments
A natural acne cure or acne remedy is something that many people worldwide search for. Acne is one of those elusive skin care problems. It is very difficult to control for many people. It is most often associated with teenagers, but in reality, it affects a much larger group of individuals. Infants can suffer from acne related problems. Adults can as well. In fact, for many adults, the struggles of battling acne are a lifelong task.
Acne is problematic for many reasons.
It can be painful. Sometimes large cysts can develop which are painful and create a lot of discomfort for the acne sufferer. In addition, open scabs from acne pimples that have burst also create discomfort. This situation makes cleansing and treatment painful due to the constant stinging when cleansing and treatment products enter open sores.
Acne can be disfiguring. Acne on the skin, whether on the face or body, affects the appearance of individuals. It masks the beauty of the skin and of the individual. It gives the appearance that an individual is unhealthy or perhaps unclean.
In addition, to the immediate impact that acne has on appearance, acne can also produce negative effects into the future. In particular, is the issue of acne scarring. Scars caused by acne can be lifelong and quite disfiguring. Recommendations for the elimination of these scars usually involve the use of harsh procedures such as microdermabrasion, dermabrasion, chemical peels, etc.
Finally, acne elevates stress and anxiety in individuals due to the factors mentioned above and this can lead to overall poor health and low self-esteem and self-confidence.
In terms of acne treatments, there are many. Numerous over the counter products exist, some good and some bad. There are many prescription type treatments available as well and various multistep programs. For some people these products can work. For most, experimentation is necessary with various different treatments and products to find what works well for them.
Many people are frustrated with the above type products and therefore search for an alternative. That alternative is a natural acne cure.
There are many single herbs which help with acne for adults and teenagers. Some herbal combinations are designed specifically to help with female or male hormonal imbalances. When taking hormonal herbal remedies, some people find this clears up several problems at once.
For example, there are several herbs which work together wonderfully for correcting hormonal imbalances in women. These herbs work on internal problems, with the end results being reduced menstrual cramps, regulated menstrual flow, and improved skin conditions such as acne.
Lobelia helps encourage the flow of oxygenized blood, which in turn helps remove obstructions, congestion, and toxins.
Ginger helps to cleanse the kidneys and bowels, removes excess toxins from the body, and stimulates circulation.
Other excellent herbs to use for female hormonal problems include red raspberry, black cohosh, marshmallow, and kelp.
Kelp is an excellent single herb to take for a variety of problems, as it's a potent source of many vitamins and minerals. In fact, it's very much like an all natural multivitamin, and this can help restore the balance of vitamins and minerals in your body, which in turn will help clear up the acne and related health problems.
Going on any good cleansing or detoxifying diet will help clear up the acne too, but remember it can sometimes get worse before it gets better -- as your body starts pushing toxins out faster once you start a cleanse.
A good herbal face wash option is chickweed tea. Dissolve chickweed capsules in warm water, then bathe the face with it and rinse. Chickweed is also wonderful to use as a bath soak for other sores, rashes, boils, and burns.
eKnow Inc., a Leading eBooks Company -
Find More Tips and Info at Herbal & Natural Remedies
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Sunday, June 15, 2008
Home Made Tips to Get Rid of Acne - Can They Work?
People are constantly on the lookout for home made tips to get rid of acne. A poor complexion can be a nightmare, and acne sufferers are on a mad search to find the "magic bullet"--an instant and simple cure that will finally cure their problem. Will a home made solution really cure acne?
The answer to that question depends a great deal on two different factors. It rests both on how you define "cure" and what you consider a "home made" solution.
If you want to think of curing acne as meaning nothing more than drying out a few stray pimples, the answer may very well be "yes". If you think of home made solutions as natural applications and creams you can make yourself, you probably can dry out a few zits and look a little better once in a while.
If you're really more interested in finding a rock-solid way of getting rid of chronic, annoying and embarrassing acne, those simple home made creams aren't going to help you. The only way a home made acne cure makes sense is if you're referring to a more comprehensive, natural solution that you can do on your own.
You see, there are natural techniques out there that don't require professional intervention. Some of these plans can produce amazing results. People have found themselves acne free in a matter of days, in many cases. However, these techniques require more than mixing a few kitchen ingredients together in a bowl and smearing them on your pimples.
If you think you can whip up a facial mask that will get rid of acne forever, think again. If, however, you are willing to take reasonable action in a natural way, you can win the war with acne. Home made tips to get rid of acne can be effective-but only if you're thinking about them in a larger sense.
You can conquer acne once and for all by treating it the smart way. Curing acne isn't magic and it isn't rocket science.
Get started with a serious acne solution immediately.
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Wednesday, June 11, 2008
How You Can Control Your Diabetes
Learning how to control your diabetes is the most important lesson you will ever learn. If you are new to the disease, or think you may have diabetes, but have yet to consult a doctor, here are a few symptoms to be aware of.
The outward signs, or symptoms, of diabetes may be so subtle that you won't even recognize them. Some of the most common are increased thirst and hunger, sores that are slow to heal, weight loss, increased frequency of urination, especially in the middle of the night, and blurred vision. Fatigue may also be present as diabetes is the increase of glucose levels in your blood. This increase will not allow the food you ingest to be converted into energy.
If you have any of these symptoms and have not sought medical attention you should do so soon. Diabetes, left uncontrolled can lead to even more serious conditions such as, blindness, heart disease, kidney disease and failure, nerve damage and strokes. You must learn how to control your diabetes.
While we hope and pray for that miracle cure for diabetes, controlling your diabetes with the following steps will help.
1. Weight control will be your number one objective. When you are overweight your body can not make and control insulin. Insulin is used to control the amount of glucose in your blood. Check with your doctor for your ideal weight.
2. Exercise is also necessary. Your exercise routine does not have to be a grueling workout with weights. 30 to 40 minute brisk walks taken daily will be a great start.
3. Eat healthy meals. Fresh fruits and vegetables should take the place of potato chips and deep fried foods. Your doctor may have some sample diet plans to get you started.
4. Test regularly. By testing your blood glucose levels daily you will be more aware of how certain foods and activities affect your diabetes.
Science promises that a diabetes cure may be on the horizon. Until then, learning how to control your diabetes will prolong your life.
Did you know science has made great strides in finding an actual cure for diabetes. Find out if you can stop your diabetes in it's tracks! Right now, before you do anything else, click over and read Solutions For Diabetes. As a fellow diabetic I can tell you it will be the most important thing you do today.
Plus, if you are tired of coming up with fresh recipes and meal ideas for your diabetic, check out this Diabetic Cooking Guide for some terrific ideas. Loaded with mouth watering recipes, even the non diabetic members of your family will love!
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Sunday, June 1, 2008
Good Diabetes Care - Things You Need to Know
If you're under lots of stress, you'll have a hard time taking care of yourself and managing your diabetes. Make sure you take good care of yourself to prevent/ minimize diabetes complications. Even simple things like monitoring your blood sugar or checking your feet every day are important. Taking an active role in your diabetes care can help you prevent or at least minimize complications from diabetes.
Your healthcare professional's role is to teach you how to care for your own diabetes. Don't hesitate to ask your healthcare provider for a foot check at least once a year, and more frequently if there are foot changes. During a foot exam, they will check for signs and symptoms of poor circulation, nerve damage, skin changes, or deformities. You should learn as much as possible about diabetic foot care and play an active role in your medical decisions and care. In fact, when it comes to foot care, you will be a vital member of the medical team.
Medicare is a government program which provides health care services for people who are 65 years of age and older. Medicare now includes coverage for glucose monitors, test strips, and lancets as well as medical nutrition therapy services for people with diabetes when referred by a doctor. For more information about Medicare benefits, call the National Diabetes Education Program at 1-800-438-5383.
You've got to take the initiative when it comes to your diabetes care. It's true that members of your diabetes care team - doctor, nurse educator and dietitian, for example - will encourage and help you to live as healthy as possible with your diabetes.
Educating yourself, daily monitoring, and taking responsibility for your own care are the first steps towards living a full and rewarding life, regardless of your diabetes.
For more information on diabetes and its care visit: Article Source: |
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Natural Hair Care Tips and Advices
Instead of using synthetic hair dyes, to give color to your hair, you would better try herbal natural products. Herbal products protect the hair strands against sun damage and also add color and shine to your hair.
Eggs are very good to give natural shine to your hair. Beat an egg and massage it into fresh washed hair. After few minutes, rinse it out with cold water. Take care not to use hot water because you will have scrambled egg in your hair, and it will be very difficult to get it off your hair.
Beer also gives a lovely shine to hair. Rinse your hair in beer in the shower, then rinse out with water. Mayonnaise is excellent for conditioning hair. Put the moisture back into it by heating 1/2 cup olive oil (don't boil it), and then liberally applying it to your hair. Cover your hair with a plastic grocery bag, then wrap it in a towel. Let it set for 45 minutes, then shampoo and thoroughly rinse. For healthy, shiny hair, mix 2 teaspoons castor oil with 1 teaspoon glycerin and one egg white. Massage it into your wet hair, wait several minutes, and wash out.
To give a natural shine to dry hair, use a quart (liter) of warm, unsweetened tea (freshly brewed or instant) as a final rinse after your regular shampoo.
When it comes to oily hair, there are many opinions about how often to wash it. No matter how often you wash your hair, you should always, try a spoon of cider vinegar on your hair to the final rinse to help cut down the grease on it.
Many hair care and cosmetic companies advertise that they use natural ingredients. What does the word "natural" really mean? Take care what products you use for your hair care. They must not just be called natural products, but they have to be made from ingredients derived directly from plants.
There are many place on the internet where you can learn more about natural hair care practices and find new natural, innovative products. One of these places is Natural Hair Digest, where you can find many articles and information about natural hair care. There are also some Natural Hair Recipes and even for the body.
At the last point, you should try to go more natural with your hair care because it is less expensive and more effective. Keep in mind that many products called natural products are not natural, so choose carefully your hair care products.
Andyc writes articles for many sites like Pony Hair and others.
Article Source:
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Laser Hair Removal - Basics
If you are wondering what lasers hair removal is then you've come to the right place. It is using a laser for hair removal in a method that works by applying a beam of light and allowing it to pass through the skin. This beam targets melanin, a dark pigment. The beam further works to reach deep beneath the surface of the skin to the hair follicle and destroying the follicle all together.
Laser removal of hair should immediately slow hair growth but will require a few treatments in order to keep hair from coming back (or at least greatly lengthen the amount of time it takes for this to happen).
How does it Work?
Long term results are achieved by targeting the laser's beams on the hair follicle and sending it a signal that sends it into a period of rest. The laser produces a very high energy light that targets the melanin (or dark pigmentation in the hair shaft) and goes to work.
The expertise in laser hair removal comes into play because the work needs to be done without causing any lasting damage to the skin's surface. This means that the light needs to be applied long enough to achieve the desired result beneath the surface but no so long that it can lead to damage the skin. One reason that it is difficult to treat darker skin tones for hair removal purposes. There are multiple lasers that are designed to address specific needs. You may find that your treatment is a little different than your friend laser for hair removal treatment.
It is very important when receiving laser hair removal treatments that you find an experienced and qualified practitioner to perform your treatment. There are too many things that could go wrong if you do not choose wisely whom you will allow to perform your treatments. Inexperienced users could cause damage that will be far worse than the original condition that encouraged you to seek treatment in the first place.
How Many Treatments Will You Need?
The answer to this is going to vary on an individual level. There are many factors that will determine this and not all of those factors are things that can be seen at a glance. Chances are very good that you will need more than one treatment though. You may be able to schedule your treatments further and further apart though with each additional treatment. Be prepared to plan a lifetime of maintenance for optimal laser hair removal treatments. These visits may be as long as a year apart but will help you maintain the results for as long as you continue the follow up treatments.
Be sure to check out our website at for additional information and a list of providers. You will find additional information on other areas where laser for hair removal may be a great idea. You should also stay informed of advancements.
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Oily Skin Makeup Tips
Wearing makeup when you have oily skin can be troubling at times. I know because I have extremely oily skin myself, so I'm constantly looking in the mirror every couple of hours to see if my nose is glaring. I've asked my dermatologist if there is anything he could prescribe to suppress the production of oil, and unfortunately his response was "no". He did point out that I will still look great at 50 years old, which does help the situation.
Over the years I've learned how to cope with some very useful products and tips that I'm sure will benefit you as well:
1. Blot powder - This is a wonderful product that I carry around with me everyday in my purse. It comes in a compact with a powder puff, similar to sheer powder. Instead of touching up with more makeup or sheer powder, I use blot powder. It's translucent, so I can get rid of the oiliness without caking more makeup onto my face. Another advantage is that my makeup lasts longer because I'm not reapplying it throughout the day.
2. Blotting papers - These can be found anywhere - from beauty supply stores to cosmetic counters. These are small oil-absorbing sheets of paper that come in a small package that you can easily carry around with you throughout the day. All you have to do is dab the oily areas of your face - typically the forehead, nose, cheeks, and chin. The papers will absorb the oil without leaving a powdery substance on your face or removing your makeup.
3. Oil-control lotion - You can purchase this at almost any cosmetic counter. It's very easy to apply and you can wear it under your makeup. Just dab a little on the oily areas of your face and blend outward. It controls shine and provides a matte finish. Most oil-control lotions work really well, but you may have to decrease the use if you find that your skin gets dry and starts flaking.
4. Facial Tissue - When all else fails, grab a sheet of tissue paper! Besides using a blot powder, facial tissue is another product that I use throughout the day as well. Most are 2-ply, but it works better if you separate them and use 1-ply. They're almost as useful as the blotting papers, and a lot cheaper too! Try to avoid buying ones that have fragrance or color because it may irritate your skin and cause breakouts.
5. Cleanser/Moisturizer - Neither of these will absorb oil or block out the production, but they should be part of your everyday skincare routine. Always opt for a cleanser that is oil-free, and there are some great ones that are specifically made for oily skin. Your moisturizer should be water based with SPF15 or greater and be labeled as "noncomedogenic". Your cleansing and moisturizing routine should be implemented morning and night to avoid clogging pores.
6. Foundation makeup - Should be labeled "oil free" to prevent adding unnecessary oil to your face. Because I love a matte look, my everyday foundation contains powder, and comes in a powder compact. Foundation that is water-based or oil free come in various shades for many cosmetics lines, so you should not have a problem finding one that is right for you.
Nedra Hines Article Source: |
Sunday, May 4, 2008
10 Tips For Applying Make Up - Looking Great With Cosmetics
Cosmetics can transform your face. They boost self confidence and help you create an image. It's a well known and acknowledged fact that cosmetics (when used correctly) can boost morale and self esteem. To put it simply - they make us feel good about ourselves. Just remember, cosmetics should be used to enhance your natural beauty not make you into someone else. Here are a few tips to keep in mind when applying your make up.
1) Before applying foundation apply moisturizer. Even if your skin is oily try one that is water based. This not only gives your foundation staying power, it also helps spread it evenly and naturally.
2) After you apply foundation dust with a very minimal amount of translucent powder.
3) Be sure to apply your make up under the proper lighting. Avoid flourescent lights. Whenever possible apply your make up near a window or somewhere that gets a lot of natural light.
4) When applying make up keep your clothes in mind. No your lipstick does not have to match your top :) but the colors should flow not clash.
5) You will also want to make sure your lipstick and blush work together. Try to stay within the same family of shades. No red lipsticks and peach blushes. Pale pinks and Beigey or very light brown shades flatter most complexions.
6) When applying lipstick, relax your mouth and apply. If you wear a dark shade of lipstick brush it on with your fingertips. This gives your mouth a sexy, pouty look. It also prevents your lipstick from looking clumpy.
7) When applying mascara (black is always the best choice) Make sure to apply to both top and bottom lashes. Apply to bottom lashes before coating the top.
8) Apply eye shadow in rich shades to eyelids. Then dab a touch of petroleum jelly over for a glossy look.
9) When applying eyeliner avoid lining the whole lower eye lid. Try applying it to 3/4 or 1/2. Applying to the whole eye cab make your eyes look smaller or close set.
10) To avoid lipsticks that are to harsh or bright add a neautral topcoat in a light shade like beige.
Remember don't over do with cosmetics. You have nothing to hide. You are only enhancing your naturally beautiful self.
Tara is a Work from Home Mom who has continued to work independently in the Fashion Industry. As an entrepeneur Tara started out Mystery Shopping That began a career selling on Amazon and ebay where she is now a powerseller. Still helping Moms Tara runs a website with money saving Retail Coupons You can see Tara's items for sale at Tara sells cosmetics, intimate apparel, bath & body items and more.
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Sunday, April 27, 2008
Tips For Caring For Long Hair
I have noticed that as women get older, they tend to want their hair shorter. Well, I have a few friends in their early twenties that have very long hair. When I say very long hair, I mean hair that falls almost to their hips if not longer. Well, perhaps you are thinking about growing your hair out and need a few tips on how to care for long hair. If not for you, than perhaps you have a young daughter that needs help caring for her hair. As a girl, I loved my long hair and my mother would help me care for it. Well, here are a few basic tips that will get any person caring for their long hair with ease.
Always Condition Hair After Shampoo
One thing about having long hair is that it requires more shampoo and conditioner. I find that applying shampoo to hair is not enough for long hair, as sometimes simply just applying shampoo and rinsing leaves hair a little hard and unmanageable. Applying conditioner to hair after the shampoo process helps a great deal with managing long hair because it relaxes the hair so that it becomes less tangled and more manageable. The tips of your hair need more conditioning than the roots, so it is best to start from the bottom of your hair and work your way up to the roots as well as your scalp.
An After Bath Hair Detangler
Sometimes shampoo and conditioner may not be enough to relax the hair in order to comb or brush it out. If this is the case, hair products such as detanglers will greatly assist you in detangling hair so that it becomes easier to brush out. This may not be that big of a thing for older children or adult women, but little children sometimes tangled hair can become very burdensome for them. In this case, detangler products will help a great deal for little girls, and getting them to brush their hair on their own.
Brush From Bottom to Top
Brushing your hair from the tips to the root instead of the other way helps a great deal with time and hair management. This was one thing that I never knew as a child, so if you have children, please do teach them that it is easier to start brushing your hair from the tips and work your way up to the roots. This method will save everyone a lot of time and frustration.
So, always condition, use a detangler if necessary, and brush from top to bottom. These tips will help you manage hair of any length. Hair is an ornament of beauty, so treat it well!
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Friday, April 25, 2008
Electrolysis Hair Removal
Electrolysis is a revolutionary way to remove unwanted hair because it is the only method considered absolutely permanent. Many individuals try very hard to get rid of the unwanted hair from multiple areas of the face and body. There are some ways to remove the hairs like manual plucking by tweezers, hot or cold waxing, using any depilatory cream or shaving. However, all these measures are temporary means. Fortunately, Electrolysis has provided the answer being permanent hair removing solution.
What is Electrolysis?
An ultra-thin metal probe like hair is inserted into hair follicle and electricity is passed through the probe, which causes localized damage to the hair follicle. Skilled and expert electrologists use precise amount of electric pulse and the appropriate equipment to burn the hair bulb and the hair follicle in the anagen phase and achieve high rate of success in this permanent hair removal solution.
Types of Electrolysis
- Galvanic Electrolysis - It works on the principle of chemically converting salt and water into sodium hydroxide (lye). Lye produced in sufficient amount damages the cells responsible for hair growth.
- Thermolysis - It works on the principle in which water molecules vibrate to produce enough heat to damage the cells responsible for hair growth.
- Blend - Recommended by most electrologists, this process is based on the theoretical assumption that lye when heated gets caustic in nature. If performed skillfully, it gives the most successful results. It acquires its name because it is based on the combination of both methods of galvanic electrolysis and thermolysis.
How Long is the Procedure?
Depending upon the area is to be covered; Electrolysis may take half an hour to several hours. Multiple sitting is usually needed to get the better result.
Any Requirements?
It is recommended you first undergo a consultation before receiving a session of Electrolysis. Once you are cleared from any break in general health, you are free to undertake the procedure.
Laser Hair Removal - Find great information about the laser hair removal procedure
Hair Removal - Get information about various hair removal techniques
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